Converting a CSV file to JSON format

Access rules in CSV format must be converted to JSON format before import.

This procedure documents steps to create a list of custom rules in CSV format and to convert the same to JSON file format.


  1. Create the CSV file: The first line in the CSV file holds the rule fields and, each line after the first line will count as a rule. Rule fields in the CSV will be in the following order:
    rule_type – removable_storage (fixed value)
    name - custom
    description - custom 
    status – ENABLED \ DISABLED 
    reaction/action - PERMIT \ READ_ONLY \ BLOCK
    user_conditions/ - EMPTY value
    user_conditions/0/type - user \ local_user \ group_user
    user_conditions/0/sid - custom
    user_conditions/0/upn - custom
    device_conditions/0/usb_vid – custom
    device_conditions/0/usb_pid - custom
    device_conditions/0/usb_serial_number - custom
    system_conditions/0/system_name - custom (endpoint hostname)
    notification/title - custom
    notification/message - custom
    notification/close_method – AUTOMATIC \ MANUAL
    notification/close_timeout – 0 \ 5 \30 \60
    When selecting 0 ensure that the notification/close_method is set to MANUAL.
  2. User Conditions
    1. To create a rule that is applied for all users- all fields of the user_conditions should be empty.
      -	user_conditions/0/type - empty
      -	user_conditions/0/sid - empty
      -	user_conditions/0/upn - empty
    2. To create a rule that is applied for all local users.
      -	user_conditions/0/type - local_user
      -	user_conditions/0/sid - empty
      -	user_conditions/0/upn - empty
    3. To create a rule that is applied for Domain group.
      -	user_conditions/0/type - user_group
      -	user_conditions/0/sid - enter group sid
      -	user_conditions/0/upn - empty
    4. To create a rule that is applied for the domain user (identified by its UPN \ user’s SID).
      -	user_conditions/0/type - user
      -	user_conditions/0/sid - enter user’s sid


      -	user_conditions/0/upn - enter user’s upn
  3. Apply rule for Array of users or endpoints: Policy rules can be applied to array of users and endpoints.

    For users, add specific user_conditions fields and increase the number in it by 1 (the 2nd place in the user’s array).

    	user_conditions/1/type - user \ local_user \ group_user
    	user_conditions/1/sid - custom
    	user_conditions/1/upn - custom
    Limitations: Array of users can be applied only when using the same users type. For example: user_group \ user (by SID) \ user (by UPN).

    For endpoints, add specific system_conditions fields and increase the number in it by 1 (the 2nd place in endpoint’s array).

  4. Convert the CSV to JSON:
    1. Convert tool selected is:
    2. Configure tool options: On the Output Options screen, select the option Do Not output field/value pair if value is empty.

    3. Open the convert tool, make sure relevant check boxes are selected. Upload the CSV file.

    4. Move to step 5, and download the result:

    5. Log in to the cloud portal, and navigate to the Policy view and click on the 3 dots on the top right of the Access rules widget.

    6. Upload the converted JSON file, set the Rule priority and click OK:

      Post upload a confirmation message is displayed.