Pattern matching page
Select Administration and then Pattern Matching. A selection of pre-configured patterns available.
If these patterns are detected during a scan they will be presented using the Keyword Hits to the user. On the Pattern Matching page, users have access to various Filters and Options.
This page includes the following sections:
- Search: Enter text here to filter patterns based in name.
- Classification: Filter by classification tags associated with patterns.
- Compliance: Filter by compliance tags associated with patterns.
- Distribution: Filter by distribution tags associated with patterns.
- Categories: Filter by file categories associated with patterns.
- Subcategories: Filter by file subcategories associated with patterns.
- Enabled: Filter by patterns that have been enabled or disabled.
- Published: Filter by patterns that have been published or unpublished.
- Add New Pattern: Create a custom pattern.
- Publish: Push changes to the pattern matching system for start using.
- Clear filters: Remove all previously selected filters.