Viewing Discover page

Use the Discover page to query data, and create your own widgets so that you can add these widgets to any of your custom dashboards.

The Discover page enables you to define the visualization on how the data should be displayed on your widget. You can do the following:
  • Select data source, appropriate dimensions, and measures required to build the widget.
    Note: Insights provides support for array type dimensions. You can select up to two dimensions of array type for your widget.
  • Add a name and description for your widget, and then save it to appear in Widget Catalog.
  • Choose to show the widget description in the dashboard as a tooltip, and also in the pdf export.
You can view different type of widgets in Chart.
Note: A widget saved under the pivot table has no visualization and cannot be added to a dashboard.

While modifying or duplicating the widget, Insights redirects you to the Discover page.