File tagging

Before you begin

Default Forcepoint labels need to be created in Google Drive.

This process is described below:


  1. Turn on Drive labels for the organization.
    1. Login to the Google Admin Console.
    2. Go to Apps > Google Workspace > Drive and Docs.
    3. Click Labels.
    4. Select Turn Labels On.
    5. Click Save.
  2. Create Drive labels:
    1. Go to the labels manager. Requires having the Manage Labels privilege.
    2. Click New label.
    3. To create one badged label:
      • Choose a badged label
      • Choose to start from an example, or from scratch.
      • Update the title as Classification.
      • (Optional) Add a description or a learn more URL that points to internal documentation about the label.
      • Customize options and assign a color.

  3. To create a standard label:
    1. Two standard labels need to be created: Distribution and Compliance.
    2. Click a standard label template or click Create New.
    3. Enter or update the label name.
    4. (Optional) Add a description.
    5. Choose whether the label is copied when the file is copied.
    6. Add a field.

  4. Publish the labels
    1. If it’s not open already, open the labels manager and click the label.
    2. Review the label and any fields.
    3. Click Publish.
    4. Confirm that the label will be published by clicking Publish.