File tagging
Before you begin
An admin level user is required to scan and tag files in SharePoint On-Premise. The user must be a member of Site Owners Group where they have full control permissions to the
SharePoint site.
The default Forcepoint tags need to be created as a new column in their SharePoint. This process is described below:
- In SharePoint, navigate to Documents.
In the files view, select + Add column.
- Select Choice and then Next.
Give the name as Classification and the choices as: Public, Internal,
Confidential, Highly-Confidential. Select Save.
- Similarly create Compliance and Distribution columns (if required).
- Forcepoint and SharePoint's tags are now aligned.
When tags are written to SharePoint files automatically over the API, as the tags are added by Forcepoint, Modified By changes to
System Account.
- Forcepoint preserves the Modified date where applicable.
Supported SharePoint On-Premise versions: The connector supports SharePoint 2013, 2016, 2019.