
This section contains the full list of industry-related dictionaries provided by Forcepoint.

You can also create new classifiers. For information, see Create dictionary classifier section.

Dictionary Description
401(k) form terms Detection of 401(k) form terms.
403(b) form terms Detection of 403(b) form terms.
Adult (Chinese) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Dutch) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (English) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (French) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (German) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Hindi) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Italian) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Japanese) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Portuguese) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Russian) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Spanish) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Taiwanese) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Adult (Turkish) Detection of Sexually Explicit, Adult-Oriented terms
Afrikaans first names Detection of Afrikaans first names
Afrikaans: Crimes Detection of names of crimes in Afrikaans.
AHV support Detection of AHV number support terms.
Arabic First Names Detection of Arabic first names.
Arabic Last Names Detection of Arabic last names.
Australian racial or ethnic origins

Detects names of Australian races and ethnicities. This dictionary includes dozens of names.

For example: Asian, Chinese, Koori.

Belgium: Passport Terms Detection of Belgium passport terms
Bids and Tenders Detection of bids, proposals, and tenders, such as responses to request for proposal (RFP) and invitation for bids (IFB) documents.
Biometric Information support terms in English and Hindi Detection of India Biometric Information support terms in English and Hindi.
Brazil: Diseases Detection of Brazilian sensitive health condition in Portuguese or in English.
Canadian Government ID Terms Detection of Canadian Government ID terms such as “Canadian Government ID”.
Canadian Indian Status Terms Detection of Canadian Indian Status support terms such as “Indian Status”.
Canadian Permanent Resident Terms Detection of Canadian Permanent Resident support terms such as “Permanent Card”.
Celebrities Detection of names of celebrities: famous actresses, sports, Nobel prize winners etc.
Chinese Financial Terms - unique count Detection of Chinese financial terms (unique count).
Clinical Trials Detection of terms common in clinical trials information.
Clinical Trials Confidential Detection of terms that indicate confidential documents.
Common Diseases (Afrikaans) Detection of common diseases or health issues in Afrikaans language.
Common Diseases (Hindi) Detection of common diseases or health issues in Hindi language.
Common Medical Conditions (English) Detection of common diseases or health issues.
Common hashed passwords Detection of common hashed passwords.
Common salted passwords Detection of common salted passwords.
Computer Hacking (Dutch) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (English) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (German) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (Hindi) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (Japanese) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (Portuguese) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (Russian) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Computer Hacking (Spanish) Detection of common computer hacking terms
Confidential (Chinese) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Dutch) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (English) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (French) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (German) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Hindi) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Japanese) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Portuguese) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Russian) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Spanish) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Confidential (Taiwanese) Detection of the terms that indicate confidentiality such as “secret”, “private”, or “confidential”
Controlled Drugs Detection of Controlled-drugs according to 21 CFR chapter III section 1308.
Credit File (Wide) Detects Credit Files. Looks for words that usually describe credit files with a Wide filter.
Credit File (Default) Detects Credit Files. Looks for words that usually describe credit files with a Default filter.
Credit File (Narrow) Detects Credit Files. Looks for words that usually describe credit files with a Narrow filter.
CV in Russian or Ukrainian support terms Detection of a Curriculum Vitae in Russian or Ukrainian with support terms.
CV and Resume in French Detection of resumes and CVs in French.
CV and Resume in German Detection of resumes and CVs in German.
CV and Resume in Spanish Detection of resumes and CVs in Spanish.
CV and Resume Terms in Hebrew Detection of resume and CV terms in Hebrew.
Denmark: CPR terms (narrow) Detection of Danish CPR narrow terms.
Denmark: CPR terms (wide) Detection of Danish CPR wide terms.
Denmark: First Name Detection of Danish first names.
Denmark: Last Name Detection of Danish last names.
Driver License Terms of the Netherlands Detection of Driver License Terms of the Netherlands.
Driver License: Ireland support Detection of Ireland DL number support terms.
EAR - Encryption Terms Detection of encryption related terms - ‘wide’ behavior
EAR - Laser and microelectronics Detection of information pertaining Laser and microelectronics. May cause false positives.
EAR - Microorganisms and Toxins Detection of information pertaining Microorganisms and Toxins. May cause false positives.
EAR - Military Terms Detection of military related terms - ‘wide’ behavior
EAR - Nuclear Terms Detection of nuclear related terms - ‘wide’ behavior
EAR - Space Terms Detection of space related terms - ‘wide’ behavior
EIN support terms Detection of EIN related terms.
Energy (dictionary): Prospecting Terms (High) Detection of interesting prospecting terms (high severity).
Energy (dictionary): Prospecting Terms (Low) Detection of interesting prospecting terms (low severity).
Energy (dictionary): Prospecting Terms (Medium) Detection of interesting prospecting terms (medium severity).
Female Arabic names Detection of Arabic female names.
Ferc: Disclaimer Detection of FERC do-not-release disclaimer.
Ferc: Form 567 Detection of terms related to FERC form 567 - Annual Report Of System Flow Diagrams and Capacity.
Ferc: Form 567 support Detection of “form 567” strings.
Ferc: Form 715 Detection of terms related to FERC form 715 - Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report.
Ferc: Form 715 support Detection of “form 715” strings.
Ferc: Pipeline Flow Detection of terms related to FERC Natural gas pipeline flow diagrams and associated information.
Ferc: Pipeline support Detection of terms related to FERC Natural gas pipeline flow diagrams and associated information.
Finance (Dutch) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (English) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (French) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (German) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Hindi) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Italian) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Japanese) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Portuguese) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Russian) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Spanish) Detection of terms related to finance
Finance (Taiwanese) Detection of terms related to finance
Financial General: Common Detection of common terms related to general financial data.
Financial General: Non- Unique Detection of non-unique terms related to general financial data.
Financial General: Unique Detection of unique terms related to general financial data.
Financial Investment: Common Detection of common terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment related financial data.
Financial Investment: Non- Unique Detection of non-unique terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment related financial data.
Financial Investment: Unique Detection of unique terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment related financial data.
Financial Personal: Common Detection of common terms related to financial transactions, credit history, financial status, and other personal financial data.
Financial Personal: Non- Unique Detection of non-unique terms related to financial transactions, credit history, financial status, and other personal financial data.
Financial Personal: Unique Detection of unique terms related to financial transactions, credit history, financial status, and other personal financial data.
Financial Terms Detection of financial terms.
Finnish SSN support terms Detection of Finnish SSN support terms.
Form 1040/Form 1040A Terms Detection of terms found in Form 1040 and Form 1040A (“U.S. Individual Income Tax Return”).
Form 1040EZ Terms Detection of terms found in Form 1040EZ (“Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers with No Dependents”).
Form W-9 Terms Detection of English and Spanish terms found in Form W-9 (“Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification”).
Form W-9S Terms Detection of terms found in Form W-9S (“Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification”).
Form W-2 Terms Detection of terms taken from the Form W-2 (“Wage and Tax Statement”).
Form W-4 Terms Detection of English and Spanish terms found in Form W-4 (“Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate”).
Form W-4P Terms Detection of terms found in Form W-4P (“Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments”).
Form W-4V Terms Detection of terms found in Form W-4V (“Voluntary Withholding Request”).
France: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in French or in English.
Gambling (Chinese) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Dutch) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (English) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (French) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (German) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Hindi) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Italian) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Japanese) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Portuguese) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Russian) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Spanish) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Taiwanese) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Gambling (Turkish) Detection of Tips, Terms, Online Casinos, Betting Pools
Germany: Crimes Detection of name of a crime, in German or English.
Germany: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in German or in English.
Germany: Ethnicities Detection of name of a race or ethnicity, in German or English.
Greek Sensitive Diseases Detection of Greek names of a diseases.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Chinese) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Dutch) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (English) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (French) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (German) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Hindi) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Italian) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Japanese) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Portuguese) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Russian) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Spanish) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive (Taiwanese) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Hate Speech/Offensive Turkish) Detection of Prejudice based on Race, Gender, Religion, etc.
Health (Chinese) Detection of health terms
Health (English) Detection of health terms
Health (Hindi) Detection of health terms
Health (Japanese) Detection of health terms
Health (Russian) Detection of health terms
Health (Taiwanese) Detection of health terms
Health Information Dictionary (Swedish) Detection of sensitive health conditions in Swedish or in English.
Hong Kong: ID - support Detection of Hong Kong ID related terms.
Hungary CNP Terms Detection of Hungary Personal Numeric Codes terms
Hungary SSN Terms Detection of Hungary Social Security Number support terms
Hungary Tax ID Terms Detection of Hungary Tax ID Number support terms
ICD Descriptions (Swedish, English) Detection of Swedish/English descriptions of medical conditions as they appear in the ICD10 manual.
ICD9 Descriptions Detection of ICD9 Descriptions.
ICD9 Codes Support Terms Detection of ICD9 codes support terms.
ICD-10 Description (English) Detects descriptions of ICD-10 codes. For example “Orbital polymyositis, right orbit”.
ID support Detection of ID number support terms.
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Chinese) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Dutch) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (English) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (French) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (German) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Hindi) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Italian) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Japanese) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Portuguese) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Russian) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Spanish) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Taiwanese) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
Illegal & Controlled Drugs (Turkish) Detection of Instructions, Products, Terms, Promotion
India PAN support Detection of India PAN related terms.
Investment (dictionary): Common Detection of common terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment financial data.
Investment (dictionary): Non-Unique Detection of non-unique terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment financial data.
Investment (dictionary): Unique Detection of unique terms related to stocks, bonds, options, and other types of investment financial data.
Ireland: Passport support Detection of Ireland passport number support terms.
ISIN CAM support Detection of ‘CAM’ strings.
ISIN support Detection of ISIN related terms.
Italy: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in Italian or in English.
Japanese Surnames Detection of Japanese surnames (ASCII and Unicode)
Job Search (Chinese) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Dutch) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (English) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (French) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (German) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Hindi) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Italian) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Japanese) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Portuguese) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Russian) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Spanish) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Taiwanese) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Job Search (Turkish) Detection of Employment Agencies, Job Listings, Career Searches
Kazakh Taxpayer Registration Number Support Terms Detection of Kazakh Taxpayer Registration Number Support Terms.
Kazakh Individual Identification Number Support Terms Detection of Kazakh Individual Identification Number Support Terms.
Kazakh Business Identification Number Support Terms Detection of Kazakh Business Identification Number Support Terms.
Macau ID - support Detection of Macau ID related terms.
Malay: Crimes Detection of crimes in Malay.
Malaysia: Ethnicities Detection of Malayan ethnicities.
Malaysia: Names Detection of Arabic names and Chinese surnames. For example: “Nurul”.
Male Arabic names Detection of Arabic male names.
Medical form Detection of medical forms.
Mergers and Acquisitions: Common Detection of common Mergers and Acquisitions terms.
Mergers and Acquisitions: Non-Unique Detection of non-unique Mergers and Acquisitions terms.
Mergers and Acquisitions: Unique Detection of unique Mergers and Acquisitions terms.
Mexico CPISP Support Terms Detection of Mexico CPISP Support Terms.
Mexico CURP Support Terms Mexico CURP Support Terms.
Netherlands: Crimes Detection of name of a crime, in Dutch or English.
Netherlands: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in Dutch or in English.
Netherlands: Ethnicities Detection of Dutch name of a race or ethnicity, in Dutch or English.
New Zealand: NHI support Detection of NHI Numbers related terms.
NHS numbers (support) Detection of NHS related terms.
Non Acceptable Use - Arabic Detection of usage of inappropriate or unacceptable language in Arabic, in Hebrew letters.
Non Acceptable Use - Hebrew Detection of usage of inappropriate or unacceptable language in Hebrew, in Hebrew and English letters.
Non Acceptable Use - Iraqi Detection of usage of inappropriate or unacceptable language in Iraqi, in Hebrew letters.
Non Acceptable Use - Russian Detection of usage of inappropriate or unacceptable language in Russian, in Hebrew and Russian letters.
Non Acceptable Use (High) Detection of high severity breach of Acceptable Use policy, with very explicit sexual terms or racial slurs.
Non Acceptable Use (Low) Detection of low severity breaches of Acceptable Use policy, with inappropriate language which is not explicit.
Non Acceptable Use (Medium) Detection of medium severity breach of Acceptable Use policy, with mostly sexually oriented slang terms in multiple languages.
Norway Personnummer Terms Detection of Norway Personal Numbers (personnummer) related terms
Norway: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in Norwegian or in English.
Norway: First Names Detection of Norwegian first names.
Norway: Last Names Detection of Norwegian last names.
Passport Terms of the Netherlands Detection of Passport Terms of the Netherlands.
Patents (dictionary) Support Terms Detection of patent related terms.
Patents (dictionary): Common Detection of common patent terms.
Patents (dictionary): Support Detection of terms to support detection of patent applications.
Philippines: First Names Philippines - First Names dictionary
Philippines: First or Last Name Detection of Philippine first or last name. For example: “Nicole”.
Philippines: Last Names Philippines - Last Names dictionary
Physical Personal Terms (English/Hindi) Detection of physical personal terms such as “Personal Data” and “Physical Characteristics”.
Poland: IBAN support Detection of Poland IBAN number support terms.
Pricing Support terms Detection of terms to support detection of pricing information.
Pricing Support terms (Wide) Detection of terms to support detection of pricing information.
Protein Sequence Support Terms Detection of Protein Sequence Support Terms.
Romania ID Terms Detection of Romania ID support terms.
Russian Passport Terms Detection of Russian passport related terms.
SCADA Terms Dictionary supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems related terms
Sensitive Diseases (Hindi) Detection of name of a disease, drug or a medical condition which is of a sensitive nature in Hindi language.
Sensitive Diseases Dictionary (Swedish) Detection of names of a disease, drug, or medical condition which are of a sensitive nature (Swedish/English)
Sexual Orientation terms Detection of Sexual Orientation terms.
Sexual Orientation terms (Hindi) Detection of Sexual Orientation terms in Hindi language.
Software Design: Common Detection of common terms related to design requirements, software architecture, user interface, and other software design related data.
Software Design: Non- Unique Detection of non-unique terms related to design requirements, software architecture, user interface, and other software design related data.
Software Design: Unique Detection of unique terms related to design requirements, software architecture, user interface, and other software design related data.
Source Code: SPICE spectre Detection of terms and reserved words in SPICE.
Source Code: Verilog Phrases Detection of terms and reserved words in Verilog.
South Africa ethnicities Detection of South African ethnicities
South Korea ID: support terms Detection of South Korea ID number related terms.
SOX: Audit terms Detection of SOX terms.
SOX: support Detection of SOX terms.
Spain: Crimes Detection of name of a crime, in Spanish or English.
Spain: Diseases Detection of sensitive health condition in Spanish or in English.
Spain: Ethnicities Detection of name of a race or ethnicity, in Spanish or English.
Spanish First Names Detection of Spanish first names
Spanish Last Names Detection of Spanish last names
Spanish Municipalities Detection of Spanish municipalities names.
Steganography applications Detection of Steganography applications
Strategic Planning Terms Detection of terms related to strategic planning.
Suicidal thoughts (Wide) Detection of expressions that are indicative of suicidal thoughts. May cause false positives.
Support terms for Russian Unified Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations numbers Detection of related terms to Russian Unified Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations numbers
Support terms for Singaporean phone numbers Detection of related terms to Singaporean Phone numbers.
Turkey TC Kimlik Terms Detection of Turkey TC Kimlik terms.
Turkish Tax ID Support Terms Detection of Turkish Tax Id support terms.
UK Postal Code Support Terms Detection of UK postal code support terms.
UK Sort Code Support Terms Detection of UK sort code support terms.
UK: Passport Number support Detection of UK passport number support terms.
UK: Tax ID support Detection of UK Tax ID number support terms.
US Ethnicities Detection of US name of a race or ethnicity.
US Sensitive Diseases Detection of name of a disease, drug or a medical condition which is of a sensitive nature.
US: Crimes Detection of names of US crimes.
UTM Terms Detection of UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system terms.
Vietnam CMND Number Support Terms Detection of Vietnamese CMND number support terms.
Violence/Weapons (Chinese) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Dutch) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (English) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (French) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (German) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Hindi) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Italian) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Japanese) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Portuguese) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Russian) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Spanish) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Taiwanese) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
Violence/Weapons (Turkish) Detection of Advocation or depictions of violent acts
W-2 Form support terms 1 Detection of terms taken from the W-2 Form (Wage and Tax Statement).