Acceptable use

The following predefined policies are available for the detection of possible acceptable use transgressions:

  • Acceptable Use - Indecent Images

    Policy for detection of indecent images using image analysis. The rule for this policy is:

    • Non Acceptable Use - Indecent Images as Attachments
  • Acceptable Use - Obscenities & Racism

    Policy for detection of offensive or inappropriate terms (non-editable). The rules for this policy are:

    • Non Acceptable Use - In file names - inappropriate
    • Non Acceptable Use - In file names - medium
    • Non Acceptable Use - In file names - offensive
    • Non Acceptable Use - inappropriate
    • Non Acceptable Use - medium
    • Non Acceptable Use - offensive
  • Cyber Bullying and Self-Destructive Patterns

    Policy for the detection of expressions that are indicative of cyber bullying or self- destructive patterns. This policy functions on the web channel (HTTP/HTTPS) only. The rules for this policy are:

    • Cyber Bullying (Wide)
    • Cyber Bullying (Default)
    • Cyber Bullying (Narrow)
    • Suicidal thoughts (Wide)
    • Suicidal thoughts (Narrow)
  • Israel Acceptable Use

    Policy for detection of Israel offensive or inappropriate terms. The rules for this policy include:

    • Israel Non Acceptable Use: All In One
    • Israel Non Acceptable Use: Hebrew
    • Israel Non Acceptable Use: Russian
    • Israel Non Acceptable Use: Arabic
    • Israel Non Acceptable Use: Iraqi