Configuring LDAP connector in Dashboard


  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Sources > LDAP > New scan.
  2. Enter the details of the LDAP server to scan.
    • Name: Give a name to the scan to identify it later.
    • Username: The user must be an admin level and have access to all the LDAP utilities to be scanned. The username should be entered in the format
    • Password: Password for the admin user.
    • IP Address: The IP Address of the server where the LDAP is installed.
    • Certificate (Optional): If the server to be scanned uses LDAPS (LDAP over SSL/TLS) enter the certificate text here. Otherwise leave it blank.
    • Port: 389 is the default port for LDAP, however for Secure LDAP 636 is used
      • Use Global Catalog ports at 3268 (LDAP) and 3269 (LDAPS), in case standard ports doesn't allow us to traverse through the whole LDAP tree.
    • Inactivity: This defines inactive users. Default is 90 days.
    • Search base: This is the point in the LDAP directory where Forcepoint DSPM will start searching from. In this example:
      • DC stands for Domain Component. An attribute used to represent domain levels.
      • aws-gv is the name of the first-level domain
      • local is the top-level domain.
      Together, DC=aws-gv,DC=local represents the domain aws-gv.local.
  3. Save the configuration.
  4. Once the configuration is saved, click on the icon on the right and select Start trustee scan to begin scanning.
  5. The scan results can be viewed under Dashboard > Access Governance.