Rolling centralized certificates for macOS via MDM

From macOS Big Sur onwards, user intervention is required to trust the certificate generated by the Forcepoint ONE SSE SmartEdge agent which is unique per device.

To make things easier, Forcepoint ONE SSE provides the ability to download a Bitglass CA that can be installed on Big Sur and latest macOS devices which will generate dynamic certificates. This CA can be pushed (and trusted) via MDM solution to user devices running Big Sur or latest macOS.


  1. In the Forcepoint ONE SSE portal on the Protect > Forward Proxy > SmartEdge Proxy page, you will see a drop-down in the top right corner title SELECT CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY. This will present two primary options for managing how the SmartEdge agent handles the cert. You'll notice both options mention Windows, but the Windows options are the same (the SmartEdge just generates a client cert that is trusted/used).
    • Windows-Local SE Proxy CA, MacOS-Local SE Proxy CA: Should be used with older versions of macOS before Big Sur and will use the SmartEdge generated client cert.
    • Windows-Local SE Proxy CA, MacOS-Bitglass CA: Should be used with MacOS Big Sur or new version devices. This will then give you the below option to download the Bitglass root CA that can be pushed to devices and will auto generate client certs that are automatically trusted on the device.

  2. After selecting Windows-Local SE Proxy CA, MacOS-Bitglass CA, you will see an option to download the Bitglass CA. Download and save it somewhere easily accessible.
  3. Open a new window and login to your MDM of choice, in this example we will be using JAMF. In Jamf, select Configuration Profiles in the left column and then click New to create a new profile.

  4. Provide a name for your profile and optionally a description for future reference, leave most options as default but change Distribution Method to Make available in Self Service.

  5. Next in the left column scroll down and select Certificate then select Configure in the main screen.

  6. In the new window, provide a name for the cert, select upload and then upload the cert we download from Forcepoint ONE SSE. Provide a password if desired and then make sure to check the box Allow all apps access to ensure the CA has the proper access it needs to generate self trusted certs.

    Note: The CA that is downloaded is in PEM format. You can rename the extension so that it matches the requirement of whichever MDM system you might be using to push out the cert (for JAMF we can change the cert from .crt to .cer).
  7. Save this cert profile and now you are ready to push the CA to your devices. This will now allow the SmartEdge agent on Big Sur or newer version devices to generate dynamic certs.