Understanding the Security Threat Summary widget

The Security Threat Summary widget displays information for all browsed sites where the threat score exceeded the allowable level set by the administrator for the selected period. Refer to Adding a Policy Rule to set the allowable threat score.


  1. Navigate to the icon to access the Remote Browser Isolation dashboard.
  2. Select the data range for the dashboard.
  3. On the Security Threat Summary widget:
    1. Click on any of the table header to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

    2. Click the View more link to view all the records in the Remote Browser Isolation Reports page.
    3. Click the icon to open the dialog where you can hide or display optional columns.
    4. Click the icon to refresh the data in table.
    5. Select the number of rows to display in the table. You can select to display either 5 or 10 rows.
    6. Indicates the page number of the table you are viewing.

Security Threat Summary field descriptions

Field Description
Date and Time Time stamp of the event.
User Name of the user who was responsible for the event.
IP Address IP address of the user's device.
Session ID RBI session ID.
Source URL URL of the site browsed in isolation.
Web Categories Category of the URL browsed.
Threat Score Threat score of the browsed site.