Brazilian general data protection Law (LGPD)

The General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709) is the principal data protection legislation in Brazil. The LGPD was inspired by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and has brought about deep changes to the data protection framework in Brazil enacting a set of rules to be observed in data processing activities. Following are the rules in this policy:

  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: CPF and Sensitive Disease
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: Email Address and Password (Wide)
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: Email Address and Password (Default)
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: Identity Card Number
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: Name and CPF
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: Name and Sensitive Disease
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: National Register of Legal Entities Number (Wide)
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law: National Register of Legal Entities Number (Default)